Filament instability under constant loads | A. G. Monastra, M. F. Carusela, M. V. D’Angelo, L. Bruno. IOP Journal of Physics. Conference Series (2018) [pdf]

Filament instability under constant loads

A. G. Monastra1,4, M. F. Carusela1,4, M. V. D’Angelo2,4 and L. Bruno3,4

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1012, conference 1


Buckling of semi-flexible filaments appears in different systems and scales. Some examples are: fibers in geophysical applications, microtubules in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells and deformation of polymers freely suspended in a flow. In these examples, instabilities arise when a system’s parameter exceeds a critical value, being the Euler force the most known. However, the complete time evolution and wavelength of buckling processes are not fully understood. In this work we solve analytically the time evolution of a filament under a constant compressive force in the small amplitude approximation. This gives an insight into the variable force scenario in terms of normal modes. The evolution is highly sensitive to the initial configuration and to the magnitude of the compressive load. This model can be a suitable approach to many different real situations.

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