Work and heat for two-level systems in dissipative environments: Strong driving and non-Markovian dynamics | R. Schmidt, M. F. Carusela, J. P. Pekola, S. Suomela, and J. Ankerhold, Phys. Rev. B 91, 224303 (2015) [pdf]




Work, moments of work and heat flux are studied for the generic case of a strongly driven twolevel system immersed in a bosonic heat bath in domains of parameter space where perturbative treatments fail. This includes particularly the interplay between non-Markovian dynamics and moderate to strong external driving. Exact data are compared with predictions from weak coupling approaches. Further, the role of system-bath correlations in the initial thermal state and their impact on the heat flux are addressed. The relevance of these results for current experimental activities on solid state devices is discussed.

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